Who We Are

MudGarden Media represents a set of websites built to answer questions that other websites simply miss. Our content is is always helpful and written from the heart.

While we understand affiliate marketing and what it can do, we believe that affiliate marketing puts a barrier between the information we give the customer. We never want our information to appear that it is paid for or that we have compromised ourselves in any way to bring this information to our customers.

Therefore, we take a stance against affiliate marketing and do not participate in it on any of our websites.

All articles are written by us and we do not pay outside people to write articles answering important questions that people are asking. It is vital that we are the creators because we want to make sure the information we provide is as accurate as possible.

Just like tending a garden in the muddy spring before anything has sprouted, we give the most care possible to nuture our websites well before we see them grow into something helpful and beautiful for all the people who use them.

We are always looking for collaborations and look forward to discussing this opportunity with you!


Navigating Gluten Free


This website is dedicated to discussing the questions those who eat gluten free have. We have a gluten free business finder and have done all kinds of experiments to help find the best gluten free products!

Least Restrictive Learning


This website is dedicated to discussing the challenges and opportunities in either a public school or home school setting for students with disabilities. We want to make finding the best way to each student as easy as possible!

Oregon Travel Info


This website is dedicated to helping people visiting Oregon find what they are looking for and not miss any part of it! We discuss everywhere you won't want to miss as well as the history of different locations you will find vital to fully experience Oregon.


We are working on our next project and will announce it soon! Every subject we cover is vitally important to our own lives and we are invested personally in each and every article on each site.